by Stefano Sbarbati


The Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee (ILIESI) is a CNR institute based in Rome, that conducts research on European philosophical and scientific thought and more generally, the history of ideas. Special attention is paid to the evolution of languages and especially of philosophical lexica. ILIESI has extensive experience in the automatic treatment of texts, particularly in the fields of computational philology and lexicography. In 50 years of activity, the Institute has established a large database including philosophical and scientific texts of the 17th and 18th century in several languages and published more than 180 volumes developing one of the most important pieces of research about the vocabularies of philosophical concepts in Europe. The research at ILIESI covers also fields like collaborative platforms for research in philosophy, semantic enrichment, domain ontologies, and has been content provider in several European Projects.

It is deeply involved in the activities of DARIAH-ERIC (organized in Rome the 4th Dariah VCC General Meeting), it is setting up of the Italian network of that consortium (DARIAH-IT), it is member of the AIUCD (Associazione Italiana per l’Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale).

ILIESI participates also in the SM@RTINFRA-SSHCH (Smart Integrated infrastructure of Social Sciences, Humanities and Cultural Heritage) project, contributing with the task of developing models for virtual access to archives, and working on tools and methods for cataloguing, management and promotion of cultural heritage in the digital environment.

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ILIESI will contribute to PARTHENOS participating

  1. In the definition of the requirements about data policies with a special regard to Open Data and Open Access policies for the Digital Humanities (WP2),
  2. In the implementation of common policies and strategies about the research data management and in preparation of guidelines to Open Access for Cultural Heritage (WP3), and
  3. In the definition a common semantic framework and in contributing to the construction of disciplinary ontologies (WP5).

