Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP)

Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP)
by Stefano Sbarbati

Potsdam University of Applied Sciences (FHP) is an institute of higher education offering 23 bachelor, master and diploma courses geared to practical needs with specific job prospects upon completion. The close relationship with regional, national and international partner enable students to get involved with a hands-on learning experience from day one. Interdisciplinary research and developing projects offer researchers and students the opportunity to cooperate with scholars and scientists from other research organisations and programs.
Following the motif “Learning through Research”, students can get familiar with different methods of application-oriented research at an early stage of their studies.

The faculty of Information Sciences has built an excellent reputation among German information professionals since its foundation in 1992. It is famous for its concept, the “Potsdamer Modell”, a partly integrative training for archivists, librarians and information specialists.
The faculty works at the intersection between research methods and practice and information / resrearch infrastructure development. Key research areas are the theory and practice of digital libraries, research data management, knowledge organisation and information management (through all steps of the digital lifecycle), IT-driven methods for digital scholarship and research as well as virtual research environments.


In PARTHENOS, FHP will lead the work on the definition of requirements for education and training, analysing currently available educational framework in the digital humanities domain (task 2.4) and the definition of communication requirements (task 2.5). FHP will also lead task 7.2 that will implement integrated training plan and will be responsible for the work carried out in 8.3, leading the task on Scientific communication.


Prof. Dr. Heike Neuroth – neuroth@fh-potsdam.de

Dr Ulrike Wuttke – wuttke@fh-potsdam.de

Claus Spiecker – spiecker@fh-potsdam.de

Dr. Jenny Oltersdorf – oltersdorf@fh-potsdam.de