Humanities at Scale launches officially

Humanities at Scale launches officially

On 19 and 20 January the Humanities at Scale (HaS) project had its kick-off meeting in The Hague, the Netherlands, during an event that was hosted by the PARTHENOS’ member DANS.

Humanities at Scale (HaS) can be understood as an add on to DARIAH. It is set up to improve DARIAH in fostering new and in sustaining existing knowledge in digitally enabled research in the arts and humanities.

In order to achieve these goals HaS focusses on three main activities:

  1. Growing the DARIAH community
  2. Developing core services
  3. Informing research communities

Work Packages

The work is divided into several Work Packages involving Communication and Innovation, Growing DARIAH, Education and Training, Integrating and Scaling National DARIAH Contributions, Supporting the Lifecycle of Digital Humanities Basic Services, and Open Data Infrastructures.


The DARIAH-ERIC coordinates HaS. All of the partners involved in HaS are major providers of humanities infrastructures in their respective countries and internationally. They add the necessary expertise in the field to ensure a smooth running of the project. Moreover, “Humanities at Scale” can rely on the expertise of more than 60 partner institutions in DARIAH.

Like PARTHENOS, Humanities at Scale is a project financed under the Horizon 2020 Programme. | @HumanitiesAS