Working together to improve the visibility of European research in social sciences and humanities

Working together to improve the visibility of European research in social sciences and humanities
by Stefano Sbarbati

PARTHENOS has recently established a collaboration to strenghten the impact of European research initiatives in the field of Social Sciences and (Digital) Humanities. We believe that communication and dissemination of the results will ensure, among the other, a long term impact and get will get more and more users involved. This will be beneficial to create strong and sustainable networks and will increase the magnitude of PARTHENOS’ impact within the target communities.

In that light, a collaboration in terms of communications with the current four ERICs in the SSH (CLARIN, DARIAH, ESS, SHARE) and CLARIAH was established in order to create synergies and draw on each others’ strengths.

The aim is to promote and improve the visibility of social science and humanities research in Europe. In order to secure this objective, a mutual-fed webpage has been createdto present the communications collaboration in more detail, with information about the organisations and related communications staff. 

Furthermore, a shared Twitter list was created to further disseminate the latest news and announcements coming from the organizations and projects which are a part of the communications collaboration (DARIAH, CESSDA, CLARIAH, CLARIN, ESS, PARTHENOS and SHARE).

For more information you can visit the dedicated page by clicking here.

Date: February 6, 2017