European Research Infrastructures for Heritage Science

European Research Infrastructures for Heritage Science
by Stefano Sbarbati

[tabs-header] [tabs-header-group open=”one” active=”yes”] Tuesday, June 30th [/tabs-header-group] [tabs-header-group open=”two”]Wednesday, July 1st [/tabs-header-group] [tabs-header-group open=”three”]Thursday, July 2nd [/tabs-header-group] [tabs-header-group open=”four”] Friday, July 3rd [/tabs-header-group] [/tabs-header] [tabs-content] [tabs-content-group id=”one” active=”yes”][dropcap size=”30px”]IPERION CH Meetings[/dropcap]

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9:30–18:00   IPERION CH Kick-off  

Palazzo Vecchio – Salone dei Dugento

9:30–10:30    Registration of participants

10:30–11:00    Welcome coffee

11:00–13:30    Approach and planning
IPERION CH in brief, Luca Pezzati
Project management bodies (SC, GB, ICO, and SAB), Vania Virgili
Project quality structure, Joao Mimoso
Project communication structure, Emilio Cano
Project dissemination structure, Raffaella Fontana
Data management structure and data research, Loïc Bertrand
International cooperation, Monique Bossi

13:30–14:30    Lunch break

14:30–15:30    Q&A session

15:30–16:00    Governing Board

16:00–16:30    Access Board Kick-off, Loïc Bertrand

16:30–17:00    Coffee break

17:00–18:00    Workshop on project administrative and financial issues
Financial issues, Francesca Usala
Reporting plan and templates, Laura Benassi

 18:30             Welcome cocktail Rivoire: fabbrica di cioccolata, della Signoria 5, Florence[/tabs-content-group] [tabs-content-group id=”two”][dropcap size=”30px”]IPERION CH. The European Research Infrastructure for Cultural Heritage[/dropcap]

public workshop

Sala Luca Giordano
Palazzo Medici Riccardi, via Cavour 3, Florence

9:00–16:30   IPERION CH. The European Research Infrastructure for Cultural Heritage

Palazzo Medici Riccardi – Sala Luca Giordano

9:00–9:15        Welcome by Cristina Giachi, Vice-Mayor of Florence

9:15–11:00      Presentation of the European ecosystem of IPERION CH

Maria Theofilatou, EC, IPERION CH Scientific Officer

Luca Pezzati, IPERION CH and national initiatives

Franco Niccolucci, PARTHENOS & ARIADNE

Riccardo Pozzo, DARIAH ERIC

11:00–11:30    Coffee break

11:30–13:00    IPERION CH structure and activities

Costanza Miliani and Loïc Bertrand, Transnational access platforms in IPERION CH

Demetrios Anglos and Maarten von Bommel, Research and innovation in IPERION CH

Rocco Mazzeo, The IPERION CH network

13:00–14:30    Lunch break

14:30–16:00    IPERION CH partnership

Emilio Cano, The added value of IPERION CH

Jim Shyu, A Taiwanese view on IPERION CH

Isabelle Pallot-Frossard, Creating the E-RIHS

16:00–16:30    Coffee break

16:30–18:30 IPERION CH working groups

[/tabs-content-group] [tabs-content-group id=”three”][dropcap size=”30px”]E-RIHS: Shaping the European Research Area of Heritage Science[/dropcap]

Palazzo Vecchio – Salone dei Dugento

Chair: Luca Pezzati, Coordinator of the E-RIHS proposal

Dario Nardella, Mayor of Florence, Un policlinico per le arti e il patrimonio a Firenze | A polyclinic for arts and heritage in Florence

Stefania Giannini, IT Minister for Education, University and Research

                        Dario Franceschini, IT Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities, and Tourism

Silvia Costa, Chair of Culture and Education Committee of the European Parliament

Enrico Rossi, President of Tuscany Region

Luigi Nicolais, President of CNR-National Research Council of Italy. Il ruolo del CNR nell’infrastruttura di ricerca per le scienze del patrimonio | The role of CNR in the research infrastructure for heritage science

Federico Testa, President of ENEA-Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. Enea e la ricerca nelle scienze del patrimonio | Enea and the research on heritage science

Fernando Ferroni, President of INFN-National Institute for Nuclear Physics. La rete INFN dedicata ai beni culturali | CHNet. The INFN network for cultural heritage

Alison Heritage, Conservation Research Specialist of the Collections Unit of ICCROM-International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property. Le scienze del patrimonio: riflessioni sulla situazione globale | Heritage Science: reflections on the global situation

11:00–11:30    Coffee break

Maria Theofilatou, European Commission. I programmi europei per le infrastrutture di ricerca per le scienze del patrimonio | The European programmes for the research infrastructures on heritage science

Giorgio Rossi, Italian delegate and ESFRI vice-chair. Verso la nuova roadmap ESFRI 2016 | Towards the new ESFRI roadmap 2016

Jaques Dubucs, FR Ministry for Higher Education and Research. Panorama delle infrastrutture di ricerca per l’innovazione culturale e sociale | Landscape of Research Infrastructures on Social and Cultural Innovation

Conny Kristel, Director of DARIAH ERIC. Le scienze del patrimonio e DARIAH ERIC. Una sinergia per l’innovazione culturale | Heritage science and DARIAH ERIC. A synergy for cultural innovation

Franco Niccolucci, Coordinator of PARTHENOS and ARIADNE. Integrare i progetti infrastruttura di ricerca verso E-RIHS | Integrating European research infrastructure projects towards E-RIHS

13:00–14:30    Lunch break

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IT-US Bilateral Workshop on Heritage Science and Research Infrastructures
Public Workshop
Palazzo Vecchio – Salone dei Dugento

14:30–17:00 IT-US Bilateral Workshop on Heritage Science and Research Infrastructures

                        Chair: Giulio Busulini, Italian Embassy in Washington D.C.

Fenella France, Library of Congress. CLASS-D: Linked scientific and humanities data, and visualization interfaces

Franco Niccolucci, PIN Scrl, Heritage Space: digital tools for heritage science

Barbara Berrie, National Gallery of Art, Conservation Space: a digital approach to conservation documents

Jong-on Hahm, George Washington University, D.C. Arts and Cultural Heritage Collective: Converging to Coordination

Riccardo Pozzo, National Research Council of Italy, IT-US bilateral initiatives on cultural innovation

17:00–17:30    Transfer to Villa Medicea di Artimino

IT and US delegates

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Focus group on heritage science research infrastructures of the IT-US bilateral agreement for science & technologies on “Technologies for restoration”
Villa Medicea di Artimino, Viale Papa Giovanni XXIII 1, Artimino

17:30–19:30 Focus group on heritage science research infrastructures of the IT-US bilateral agreement for science & technologies on “Technologies for restoration”

Villa Medicea di Artimino – Sala del Toro

  • Priority topics and next action steps after the conference of December 1-3, 2014: Fostering the Transatlantic Dialogue on Digital Heritage and EU Research Infrastructures: Initiatives and Solutions in the United States and in Italy
  • Challenges towards a common agenda for collaboration[/tabs-content-group]

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[dropcap size=”30px”]PARTHENOS Meetings[/dropcap]

Palazzo Vecchio – Salone dei Dugento

8:30–10:00   Steering Committee PARTHENOS

10:00–18:00 PARTHENOS Kick-off

palazzo vecchio – salone dei dugento

10:00 – 10:15  Welcome and introduction, Franco Niccolucci, PIN Scrl, Project Coordinator

10:15 – 10:45 European Research Infrastructure and their clusters, Maria Theofilatou, PARTHENOS Scientific Officer

10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break

11:15 – 11:30 The role of PARTHENOS for CLARIN ERIC

11:30 – 11:45 The role of PARTHENOS for DARIAH ERIC 

11:45 – 12:15 ARIADNE, CENDARI, EHRI, IPERION CH: short presentations – Project Coordinators

12:15 – 12:45 WP2: Activities on Community involvement and requirements – CLARIN

12:45 – 14:00 Lunch break

14:00 – 14:30 WP3: Activities on Policies and Strategies – KNAW-DANS

14:30 – 15:00 WP4: Activities on Standardization – INRIA

15:00 – 15:30 WP5: Activities on Semantics – FORTH

15:30 – 16:00 WP6: Activities on Services – CNR-ISTI

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break

16:30 – 17:00 WP7: Activities on Skills and Training – TCD

17:00 – 17:30 WP8: Dissemination and Communication Activities – KNAW-NIOD

17:30 – 18:00 Wrap-up and planning of next meetings[/tabs-content-group] [/tabs-content]