CNR is the largest public research institution in Italy, the only one under the Research Ministry performing multidisciplinary activities. CNR’s mission is to perform research in its own Institutes, to promote innovation and competitiveness of the national industrial system, to promote the internationalization of the national research system, to provide technologies and solutions to emerging public and private needs, to advice Government and other public bodies, and to contribute to the qualification of human resources. Promoting the internationalization of the Italian scientific and technological research system, by taking part in large research programmes and international organisations and fostering collaboration with foreign research institutions, is one of CNR’s main statutory tasks. Indeed, CNR is a long-term stakeholder in the framework of the European projects with more than 700 projects in FP7. CNR is strongly committed to enhance the results deriving from its research activities by protecting them and by promoting their transfer and their implementation within both national and international productive and social contexts.
[accordion-group title=”CNR-ISTI Institute of Information Science and Technologies”]
The Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI) is an institute of the Italian National Research Council (CNR). The Institute is located in the CNR Research Area of Pisa. The Institute is committed to producing scientific excellence and to playing an active role in technology transfer. The domain of competence covers Information Science and related technologies, with several major application domains including Cultural Heritage. The activity of the Institute aims at increasing knowledge, developing and testing new ideas and widening the application areas. ISTI is actively involved in collaborations with the academic world and in cooperative research and development programs, both national and international.
CNR-ISTI will participate with the experience of two research labs: Visual Computing Lab (VC lab) and Networked Multimedia Information Systems Lab (NeMIS lab).
VC lab VC lab has been active in visualisation and computer graphics since 1984; it is an international leader on 3D digitization/scanning, geometric data processing, visualization, efficient multiresolution representation and rendering of huge datasets and 3D Web Applications. VCLab has a long track record in the use of 3D graphics for Cultural Heritage application, with active collaborations with several CH institutions. VCLab participated to several EU projects (e.g. EC “ViHAP-3D”, EC NoE “EPOCH”, EC IP “3D-COFORM”, EC “V-City”, EC NoE “VMUST. Net”, EC “VASCO”, EC-FET “Harvest 4D”, and EC-INFRA “ARIADNE”).
NeMIS lab is active on technologies for the management, distribution and fruition of multimedia information, i.e. information represented not only in textual form but also in audio/video. This entails developing algorithms, techniques and methods for information modelling, access and handling, as well as new architectures and system services supporting large networked multimedia information systems, such as digital libraries. Research areas include: next-generation digital libraries, multimedia content access, enhancement and management, advanced information retrieval. NeMIS is partner in many EC projects.
[divider type=”thin”]CNR participates in to the project by leading the activities concerning semantic interoperability (tasks 5.2 -5.5), and coordinating the design (task 5.4) and the implementation (task 6.3) of the Joint Resource Registry.
CNR is also leader of WP6 on the creation of tools and services that enable interoperability (task 6.1).
Carlo Meghini
Roberto Scopigno
Donatella Castelli
Pasquale Pagano
Paolo Manghi
Anna Molino
[accordion-group title=”CNR-ILC Institute for Computational Linguistics A.Zampolli”]
CNR-ILC has a consolidated position as leading centre of reference in the field of Computational Linguistics at both the national and international levels. The Institute is involved in research, enhancement, technological transfer and training activities in strategic scientific areas of the discipline. The main areas of competence of the Institute are represented by: Text Processing and Computational Philology; Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Extraction; Resources, Standards and Infrastructures; Computational Models of Language Usage. The studies carried out within each area are highly interdisciplinary and involve different professional skills and expertise that extend across the disciplines of Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Computer Science and Bio-Engineering.
[divider type=”thin”]CNR-ILC is a strong actor within the language resources and technologies community (LRT), and within PARTHENOS will collect and harmonise community requirements on linguistic data management and on standardisation, both referring to past initiatives and gathering new input (WP2).
Moreover, CNR-ILC will use its vast experience on linguistic data publication, licenses, metadata, annotation/representation standards (developed within several EU projects) as well as its involvement in LRT platforms such as CLARIN and META-SHARE to help define shared solutions for SSH (WP3 / WP4 ).
In particular, the already available shared ontologies within the LRT community will be crucial for the definition of a common semantic framework and for the mapping of domain vocabularies into a core model (WP5).
CNR-ILC pioneered the standardisation activities in the field of language resources and language engineering. It was coordinator of EAGLES, ISLE (LE), and participated in LIRICS (e-CONTENT), CLARIN (MLAP and LE), META-NET (FP7); currently CNR-ILC is a partner institution in DARIAH-IT.
Monica Monachini
Francesca Frontini
Simonetta Montemagni[/accordion-group]
[accordion-group title=”CNR-ICVBC Institute for the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage”]
The Institute for the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage (ICVBC) of the CNR, was founded in 2001 and is located in Florence with units in Rome and Milan. The institutional tasks of ICVBC include research, coordination, consultancy and training.
One of the essential assets of the ICVBC is its multi-disciplinary character, promoting an interdisciplinary approach to research, guaranteed not only by the presence of different professionals, but also through the development of an extensive national and international network of cooperation with research Institutes, universities and public or private bodies involved in the protection and conservation of Cultural Heritage.
In the field of conservation, various issues are addressed: the study of the materials and techniques of execution of the artifacts, the identification of the causes and mechanisms of degradation, scientific and technical advice for restoration and conservation, development of methodologies and products for restoration and conservation, enhancement and fruition of works of art and their urban context.
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Within PARTHENOS, the Institute for the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage is involved for the definition of standardization requirements, research Data Management and definition of standardized protocols and procedures.
Web site:
Scientific responsible: Prof.ssa Maria Perla Colombini
Tel: +39 055 522 5480
Administration: Giulia Bartalesi
Tel: +39 055 522 5429
Research team:
Susanna Bracci
Marco Realini
Rachele Manganelli Del Fà
[/accordion-group] [accordion-group title=”CNR-ILIESI The Institute for the european intellectual lexicon and history of ideas”]The Institute for the european intellectual lexicon and history of ideas (Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee – ILIESI) is a CNR institute based in Rome, that conducts research on European philosophical and scientific thought and more generally, the history of ideas. Special attention is paid to the evolution of languages and especially of philosophical lexica. ILIESI has extensive experience in the automatic treatment of texts, particularly in the fields of computational philology and lexicography. In 50 years of activity, the Institute has established a large database including philosophical and scientific texts of the 17th and 18th century in several languages and published more than 180 volumes developing one of the most important pieces of research about the vocabularies of philosophical concepts in Europe. The research at ILIESI covers also fields like collaborative platforms for research in philosophy, semantic enrichment, domain ontologies, and has been content provider in several European Projects.
It is deeply involved in the activities of DARIAH-ERIC (organized in Rome the 4th Dariah VCC General Meeting), it is setting up of the Italian network of that consortium (DARIAH-IT), it is member of the AIUCD (Associazione Italiana per l’Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale).
ILIESI participates also in the SM@RTINFRA-SSHCH (Smart Integrated infrastructure of Social Sciences, Humanities and Cultural Heritage) project, contributing with the task of developing models for virtual access to archives, and working on tools and methods for cataloguing, management and promotion of cultural heritage in the digital environment.
[divider type=”thin”]ILIESI will contribute to PARTHENOS participating
- In the definition of the requirements about data policies with a special regard to Open Data and Open Access policies for the Digital Humanities (WP2),
- In the implementation of common policies and strategies about the research data management and in preparation of guidelines to Open Access for Cultural Heritage (WP3), and
- In the definition a common semantic framework and in contributing to the construction of disciplinary ontologies (WP5).
[accordion-group title=”CNR-INO”]Text goes here
[accordion-group title=”CNR-ISTM Institute of Molecular Science and Technologies”]
The CNR-ISTM (Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari) research unit based in Perugia at the Chemistry Department of Perugia University, has a wide experience in the study of materials of interest in cultural heritage. Scientific studies on compositions and alterations of stones, bronzes, ceramics, glasses, pigments and other materials, are currently carried out. In particular, CNR-ISTM has competence in development and application of advanced spectroscopic techniques. The group successfully cooperated in setting up a portable fiber optic FTIR spectrometer, a portable microRaman equipment, a portable UV-vis fluorimeter and others. The CNR-ISTM research unit is currently coordinating the transnational access activity of the mobile laboratory MOLAB under the EU project IPERION CH.
[divider type=”thin”]The role of CNR-ISTM in PARTHENOS is to offer expertise in the acquisition and management of analytical data on the material properties of cultural heritage objects.
Website: [/accordion-group][/accordion]