Each issue of the Hub will be created by an editor in chief. Anyone who would like to become an editor can propose a topic of interest which he or she (and colleagues) might be working on and which seems to fit the general theme of the Hub.
Topics for issues can be chosen from the Humanities and Social Sciences and it is necessary that editors have some expertise on the topic they plan to cover in their issue. The editor selects the texts for an issue. Preferably the chosen texts are already open access and come with a persistent identifier from a publisher or a repository. The editor has to take care (with support from the Hub team) that there are no legal or other constraints for (re-)publishing the texts. Texts and other material (blog posts, videos etc.) that are non-persistent have to be prepared by the editor so that they can be stored in an open access repository. This editing process includes providing all the necessary metadata and has to cover all legal aspects.
The aim of the Hub is to make the research process more transparent and to encourage conversations or discussions about a selected topic. Editors are required to write a short introduction and/or reflection on their topic of choice for the first section of the issue. Additionally, they are required to provide resources for further reading. We strongly encourage all editors to primarily, if not exclusively, provide resources which are available as open access and also not to just limit their research to “fixed” resources (a.k.a. articles published in scientific journals), but also to expand on “volatile” content, for example blog posts or videos.