European Data Infrastructure (EUDAT) is holding a webinar on data trust and certification on Monday, 18th April 2016. EUDAT project aims at designing a pan-European solution to the challenge of data proliferation in Europe’s scientific and research communities through the deployment of a Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI) driven by research communities need.
Registration for the webinar on trust and certifications are now open, simply sign up at the this address to participate in the webinar.
For more information about the webinar you can visit the presentation page.
EUDAT’s vision is to enable European researchers and practitioners from any research discipline to preserve, find, access, and process data in a trustworthy environment. The webinar focuses on trustworthiness and presents certification as an instrument to build trust into the data infrastructure.
Heiko Tjalsma (DANS), who leads the EUDAT task on “Trust and Certification”, will present the European framework of certification levels for data repositories, and concentrate on the Data Seal of Approval. This is the core level of the framework and also the aspired level for trustworthy B2 services.
The webinar is targeted at data repository managers and/or other representatives from the wider EUDAT community who are interested to learn more about certifying data repository services. In line with the Data Seal of Approval the focus will be on organisational and service policy rather than on technology.