The Digital Humanities conference (DH2019) took place in Utrecht from the 9thuntil the 12thJuly. In a packed, architecturally pleasing Tivoli Vredenburg, more than a thousand attendees shared their research projects, methodologies and insights with the interdisciplinary Digital Humanities field.
Joint Conference Booth
PARTHENOS, along with other Research Infrastructures, was very glad to use the opportunity to demonstrate its products and services. At our joint conference booth, the people of CESSDA, CLARIN, DARIAH, SSHOC and PARTHENOS spoke with conference visitors, told them how our tools could be used in both research and educational settings and handed out promotional material. Several new PARTHENOS video’s, showcasing the Standardization Survival Kit, the Policy Guidelines, the Training Suite and the Hub were on prominent display.
Figure: The joint CESSDA, CLARIN, DARIAH, PARTHENOS and SSHOC conference booth at DH2019.
PARTHENOS Training presentations
Apart from our joint booth, there were also project presentations from the PARTHENOS Training Suite team. Ulrike Wuttke provided an overview of how a Digital Humanities training environment could be built with input from a knowledgeable, committed community. More specifically, she demonstrated how the active provision of and participation in webinars can enrich the total offering of training opportunities. These sessions have proven to be accessible, as they were attended by participants from all corners of the globe. Also, the interactive set-up provides opportunities for truly learning from one another, rather than only presenting information. Lastly, recordings of the webinars have been made, which serve both as stand-alone modules and as module enriching material.
In a session focussing on higher education, Vicky Garnett (Trinity College Dublin – TCD) and Kristen Schuster (King’s College London – KCL) delivered the first of three highly engaging presentations on the topic of Scholarly Communities, Communication and Pedagogy. Vicky introduced the presentation of this long paper, explaining how the need was recognised for the inclusion of information and training on the use of Research Infrastructures for the Digital Humanities at undergraduate level so that future Humanities scholars were better prepared for research careers. Luckily, Kristen had just taken up a teaching post at KCL and was put in touch with Vicky by a colleague working in PARTHENOS with the result that Kristen was able to include new teaching materials into the 2018-19 MA course for Digital Humanities. Monitoring and feedback was included so that the impact of the new materials could be assessed and improvements made to the successive courses. One lesson learnt was that students from overseas preferred written materials to videos as they found these easier to follow.
…more to come!
Since PARTHENOS will use the period until the end of October to keep disseminating its offering, you can expect to find us at more big conferences over the coming months, such as DH Benelux and AERI. Finally, we kindly invite you to our very own Impact Event, taking place at the 4thOctober.