PARTHENOS at Digital Humanities Nordic conference 2018

PARTHENOS at Digital Humanities Nordic conference 2018
by admin2

The Digital Humanities Nordic Association organised its 3rd annual conference in Helsinki on the  7th-9th March 2018. This year the conference attracted 300 participants, which is a pretty high number for the region. The participants were obviously mostly from the Nordic and Baltic countries, but also from other countries including other continents.

In addition to the main programme, a fair number of pre-conference workshops were organised. These workshops took up themes like ‘Hacking the News’, ‘An­cient Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies’, ‘Soft­ware Car­pentry Work­shop: Pro­gram­ming with Py­thon and Ver­sion Con­trol with Git’ and ‘Higher Edu­ca­tion Pro­grams in Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies: Chal­lenges and Per­spect­ives’. On the last day of the conference, a number of Open Science workshops were organised which were open to the wider public The programme and conference proceedings can be found here:

Of special interest to PARTHENOS is the distribution of disciplines in the papers submitted to DHN2018, quoted from the preface of the proceedings.


The two most frequently used keywords in DHN2018 are history and linguistics, compared with literary studies, and library and information science in the international DH conference which was held in Montréal in 2017. The top five keywords are the same for the two conferences, but the order is different. This may (or may not) show a Nordic trend.

PARTHENOS had two poster presentations at the conference. Sheena Bassett had a general PARTHENOS poster,, describing the goal and the results that have already been obtained. Bente Maegaard had a presentation of the international collaboration, with an analysis of the data collected,

In 2019 the DHN conference will take place in Copenhagen Hopefully, there will be many PARTHENOS’ presentations on the programme as the conference is held just before the end of the project when it is ready to show off its results.

Bente Maegaard

Date: June 25, 2018