PARTHENOS is Present at CLARIN Conference in Pisa

PARTHENOS is Present at CLARIN Conference in Pisa
by Sheena Bassett

CLARIN recently held its annual conference in Pisa, Italy. As well as the key notes speeches, Committee reports and papers, there were also two poster slams with  a strong focus on linguistics in multimedia and multimodality in the presented papers.

A new feature introduced to the programme for Day 2 was a paper slam session, aimed at PhD level students, which was followed by a 1.5 hour poster session featuring the papers. The latter provided a wide variety of topics for all participants to explore and was an excellent opportunity for young researchers to showcase their work.  Due to its success, this will now be a regular feature in the conference programme.

PARTHENOS was also present – Thorsten Trippel (Uni. Tübingen, above) presented a poster in the Day 3 session (for all CLARIN users) entitled CLARIN Data Management Activities in the PARTHENOS Context which described the components of the Data Management Plan Template, along with an implementation of the DMP Protocol using the CLARIN CDMI. The poster attracted a lot of interest and was a focus for intense discussion as the implementation and use of DMPs vary widely within as well as across the Humanities disciplines.

At the end of the Conference, Daan Broeder and Pavel Straňák both received the Steven Krauwer Award for CLARIN Achievements. This underlines the high level of interaction and synergy between CLARIN and PARTHENOS since Steven is also the leader of WP2 in PARTHENOS (responsible for producing the user requirements and assessing the outputs of the project against these), Daan is responsible for the integration of specialist tools into the PARTHENOS VRE and Pavel made a substantial contribution to the Foresight Workshop held on the last afternoon.

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