PARTHENOS Steering Committee, General Assembly Meetings – and a Foresight Workshop at Prato

PARTHENOS Steering Committee, General Assembly Meetings – and a Foresight Workshop at Prato
by admin2

PARTHENOS held its six-monthly Steering Committee (SC) meeting and General Assembly (GA) at Prato, Italy on the 13th and 14th June respectively. Having experimented with various formats, this time Work Package Leaders were requested to prepare and send in their presentations a week beforehand so all the members could look at these in advance. On the day, each Work Package leader had ten minutes to report their highlights and outline their plans for the coming six months. On the whole, it worked and there was enough of time left to discuss how the project was going to ensure its sustainability and dissemination actions for the long term. All activities are on track with tools and information guides in the process of launches and preparation for Year 4.

All activities are on track with tools and information guides in the process of launches and preparation for Year 4.

The GA was held on Thursday morning after the SC meeting, where the WP presentations were repeated for the benefit of members who are not on the SC. The Sustainability Plan was also presented. In the afternoon, around twenty PARTHENOS members attended a Foresight Workshop organised by Task 3.4 which proved to be a very lively session generating a lot of diverse feedback. The workshop started with viewpoints from each of the WP leaders on how they saw the future of the Humanities and what was needed.

The topics were very diverse, ranging from training (in digital humanities and at a much earlier stage), need for promotion of Open Data and Open Access, the need for a strong unified voice for the humanities in EOSC, to reaching out to our industry (the GLAMs and Tourism).   These acted as catalysts for the three breakout groups who were organised by topic – Education and Training, Technology and lastly, Environment, Society and Policy.

There will be around three to four more workshops in the coming months with a Final Report on the Conclusions of the Foresight Study due in the spring 2019.

Date: July 6, 2018

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