Workshop objectives, content and target audience
The objective of the two and a half days workshop is to foster collaboration between social sciences and humanities researchers in Central and Eastern Europe and the research communities in these fields represented in CLARIN (the Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure, involving 25 countries), and in the EU funded PARTHENOS Infrastructure project (16 partners in 9 countries).
For the workshop we have selected the following topics, which by their very nature lend themselves for collaborative, cross border and cross discipline research, as well as for education purposes:
- Working with Parliamentary Records
- Challenges in Literary History
- Oral History: working with interview data
The workshop will pay special attention to the training materials and other results produced by the PARTHENOS project, and to the CLARIN Resource Families and CLARIN in general.
The target audience are researchers and lecturers in the social sciences and humanities in a broad sense who use language data in their research and/or teaching (such as literary studies, history, political science, communication science, media studies, etc.) from countries in Central and Eastern Europe that are not participating in the PARTHENOS project, with a special focus on Albania, Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Moldavia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine.
The number of places is limited to 25, with a maximum of 2 participants from each of the countries listed above. If you want to participate you can use this form to apply. If there are more than 25 applicants a selection will be made on the basis of (a) the partcipants’ profile, (b) their motivation, and (c) the overall balance, including geographical.
Eligibility conditions: candidates should be researchers, teachers, or post-graduate and higher students in the humanities or social sciences, or practitioners in these fields (e.g. in cultural heritage institutions or libraries). They should work or study in one of the countries listed above.
Accommodation and meals will be provided by the PARTHENOS project, and support fro travel is available up to a maximum of 300 euro.
Application deadline and notification
Application form:
Applications can be submitted until Monday, July 15
Notification of acceptance Thursday, August 1
More information
Check the CLARIN website here for full details of the Workshop.
For more information please contact the organisers: Darja Fišer and Steven Krauwer at