Shortening the long tail of science

Shortening the long tail of science

The last Digital Infrastructure for Research 2017 event saw the presence of the PARTHENOS communities, and it also hosted a PARTHENOS-promoted session hosted by the project’s coordinator Franco Nicculucci.
The session “Shortening the long tail of Science” explored the needs of the Digital Humanities, Language studies and Cultural Heritage (DH+L+CH) research communities about – among the others – the European Open Science Cloud.

During the two-hours discussion the needs and the solutions achieved so far in the wide DH+L+CH fields were showcased in live demonstrations, and it was presented how addressing standards, fostering interoperability and findability with a common data model and supporting research with tools and training is currently paving the way towards full-fledged participation in EOSC of the researchers in this area.

The session was participated by some 50 researchers and practicioners which actively contributed to the discussion. The inputs and the solutions presented and discussed during this event will actively help PARTHENOS in its effort toward the definition of common solutions to Research Infrastructures in DH+L+CH domains.

Date: December 5, 2017