Established in 1967, Inria is the only French public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. It is a national operator in research in digital sciences and is a primary contact point for the French Government on digital matters. Under its founding decree as a public science and technology institution, jointly supervised by the French Ministries for Research and Industry, Inria’s strategy is to develop research in computer and mathematical sciences that enables it to play a major role in resolving scientific, technology transfer and innovation challenges. Throughout its 8 research centres and its 180 project teams, Inria has a workforce of 3 400 scientists with an annual budget of 265 million euros, 29% of which coming from its own resources.
[divider type=”thin”] Inria will have a central role in developing a coherent vision for data models and standard in PARTHENOS. In particular, it lead WP4 dedicated to standards and contribute to various tasks related to standardization requirements (WP2), policies for research data management (WP3) and interoperability issues (WP5). It will also ensure, in the context of WP8, a strong coordination with the DARIAH infrastructure.