Project’s deliverables

Project’s deliverables
by Stefano Sbarbati

D2.1 User Requirements Report
This document is the final version of deliverable D2.1 of the PARTHENOS project, which addresses user requirements and needs. It contains a comprehensive report based on a review of literature produced by previous relevant projects, supplemented with additional direct input from PARTHENOS partners.


D2.2 Report on the assessment of the education and training plans and activities

The document provides information on the assessment of the initial training plan (D7.1 Initial Training Plan) and activities developed by the PARTHENOS work package Work Package 7. A comprehensive report based on two assessment exercises is supplemented with additional input about the first implementations of the initial training plan and its assessment.


D2.3 Report on the assessment of data policies and standardization
The document provides collect needs and experiences from the project constituencies (research communities, ESFRI and non-ESFRI Research Infrastructures, other projects) and to organize and feed them as requirements for implementation carried out by WP3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the PARTHENOS project.


D2.4 Report on the assessment of interoperability, services and tools

This document is part of the process to collect needs and requirements from the project constituencies (research communities, ESFRI and non-ESFRI Research Infrastructures, other projects), to organize them so that they can be used to feed the technical implementation of the project infrastructure.


D3.1 Guidelines for Common Policies Implementation
The document presents the first definition of PARTHENOS high-level principles, offered as common guidelines to build bridges between different, although tightly interrelated fields and stakeholders within the Humanities by the harmonization of policy definition and their implementation.


D3.2 Guidelines for Common Policies Implementation

The document presents the final definition of PARTHENOS high-level principles, offered as common guidelines to build bridges between different, although tightly interrelated fields and stakeholders within the Humanities by the harmonization of policy definition and their implementation.


D3.3 Foresight Study and Interdisciplinary Research Agenda


D4.1 Standardization Survival Kit
The document provides an overview of the various components of the Standardization Survival Kit (SSK) which is conceived as a comprehensive online environment aiming at providing basic information, documentation and resources concerning standards applicable to a wide scope of digitally based humanities and cultural heritage research activities.


D4.2 Report on Standardization
The report reflects the second stage of the definition of the Standardisation Survival Kit (SSK). On the basis of the various user scenarios presented in Deliverable 4.1, where each stage of the research process has been annotated according to the actual standards that are actually needed in order to fulfil the research task, we present here a systematic review of the activities that have to be carried out to provide support to researchers in using, but also contributing to, these standards.


D4.3 Standardization Survival Kit – Final
The document reflects the second stage of the definition of the Standardisation Survival Kit (SSK). The goal of the Standardization Survival Kit (SSK) is to accompany researchers along this route, giving access to standards and best practices in a meaningful way, by the mediation of research scenarios.


D4.4 Report on Standardization – Final
The document presents the final findings of WP4 activities in the context of complete research scenarios, created by domain experts and designed to be displayed within the Standardization Survival Kit web application.


All PARTHENOS reports and outputs are licensed for use as CC-BY-SA. The required Accreditation for the PARTHENOS Entity Model is available for download here (MS Word).

D5.1 Report on the Common Semantic Framework
This deliverable describes the first results of the design of the common semantic framework for the PARTHENOS project. The common semantic framework aims to build interoperability between the resources made available by participating Research Infrastructures (RI) and ERICs in the PARTHENOS project infrastructure


D5.2 Design of the Joint Resource Registry
This deliverable presents a description of the existing registries in the humanities area, and presents the architecture of the Joint Resource Registry service that implements the model defined.


D5.4 Report on Reference Resources


D5.5 Report on the Common Semantic Framework


D5.6 Report on Mappings (Final)


D5.7 Report on the Integration of Reference Resources


D5.8 Common Design Requirements


D6.1 PARTHENOS Cloud Infrastructure
This report describes the PARTHENOS e-infrastructure architecture: the hardware and the services. Hardware is organized as a dynamic cloud of virtual machines, supporting computation and storage, while the services are organized into e-infrastructure middleware, storage, and end user services.


D6.2 Report on services and tools
This report reports on the status of the PARTHENOS e-infrastructure architecture, and on the development of the tools and services enabling cross-discipline interoperability.


D6.3 Report on the implementation of the Joint Resource Registry (interim)


D6.4  Report on services and tools (final)

This document reports on the final status of actions carried out towards achieving WP6 objectives, expecially with regards to tools and services enabling interoperability, sharing specialized tools and Resource discovery tools


D6.5 Report on the implementation of the Joint Resource Registry (Final)


D6.6 PARTHENOS Cloud Infrastructure (final)


D7.1 Initial Training Plan
This Initial Training Plan forms a summary of the work conducted by Work Package 7 up to May 2016. It incorporates the recommendations of user requirements investigations by members of Task 2.4, as well as additional background research by WP7 members into existing training programmes available within Digital Humanities (DH), and the outcomes of a workshop meeting held in Dublin in February 2016 comprising members of WP7 and DARIAH Teach to discuss the audience types within the DH community, the awareness of Research Infrastructures beyond the scope of the projects within PARTHENOS, and how best to raise awareness and provide training within those communities.


D7.2 Report on training and education activities and updated planning
This document builds on the previous D7.1 Initial Training Plan, and provides information on its implementation, outlines updates of the plan, and lists next steps of further implementation.


D7.3 Final Report on Training and Education Activities

D7.4 Report on the assessment of Transnational Access activities in participating projects
This Deliverable (7.4) reports on the implementation of Transnational Access (TNA) activities within participating Research Infrastructure (RI) projects (CENDARI, ARIADNE, IPERION-CH, EHRI, CLARIN) of the PARTHENOS cluster, examining how the goals underpinning TNA as a requirement for Research Infrastructures compare to the experiences of RI project management and TNA project users. Best practices for organising a TNA programme as well as barriers that RIs, project users and potential project users encountered are presented with strategic recommendations proposed for possible adjustments to TNA as an ‘enacted concept’ for all barriers at play at a policy-making level.


D7.5 Embedding PARTHENOS Training into Higher Education Curricula. Report on activities of Task 7.4
Deliverable 7.5 is a report on the activities of Task 7.4, which investigated academic curricula in Digital Humanities-related courses across Europe, and how research infrastructures and issues related to research infrastructures are represented in higher education. This was done through desk research, an online survey, a conference roundtable session (at DH Benelux in Amsterdam, 2018) and course providers’ workshops. Finally, taking direction from this research activity, the PARTHENOS Training Materials were embedded into a research data management module at King’s College London delivered in Autumn 2018. The efficacy of the PARTHENOS materials in this module was evaluated, which is presented in this report along with recommendations for future course design.


D8.2 Initial Communication Plan
The deliverable presents the initial results of PARTHENOS WP8 “Communication, dissemination and outreach”. It provides a general communication and dissemination strategy for PARTHENOS, as well as a detailed plan of action for months 1 to 15 of the project.


D8.3 First Year Communication Report, and Updated Communication Plan
The deliverable reports on the implementation of this plan during the first twelve months of the project (May 2015-April 2016) and contains the planning of communication and dissemination activities for the second year (May 2016-April 2017). It presents an overall assessment of the success of our existing communication and dissemination strategy, including necessary revisions (section 3); reports in detail on all relevant dissemination and communication tasks in the first year (section 4); provides a quantitative assessment of our activities against the evaluation criteria set in the initial plan (section 5); and finally outlines our detailed plans for the next 12 months (section 6) and establishes revised evaluation criteria for this period (section 7).


D8.4 Second Year Communication Report, and Updated Communication Plan
This deliverable presents the work of PARTHENOS WP8 “Communication, dissemination and outreach” during the second year of the project (May 2016-April 2017). The present deliverable evaluates project’s communication activities up until the end of year two, and proposes a plan of action for year three.


D8.5 Third Year Communication Report, and Updated Communication Plan
This deliverable presents the work of PARTHENOS WP8 “Communication, dissemination and outreach” during the second year of the project (May 2017-April 2018). The present deliverable evaluates project’s communication activities up until the end of year two, and proposes a plan of action for year three.


D8.6 Final Communication Report

This deliverable presents the work of PARTHENOS Work Package (WP) 8 “Communication, dissemination and outreach” during the final year of the project (May 2018 – April 2019) and its half year extension (May – October 2019).
