Digital Infrastructure for Research 2017

Digital Infrastructure for Research 2017
by Stefano Sbarbati
The Digital Infrastructure for Research 2017 (DI4R 2017) Conference is a joint initiative organized by some of the most important e-infrastructure initatives in Europe, such as  EGIEUDATGÉANTOpenAIREPRACE and RDA Europe, under the theme Connecting the building blocks for Open Science”.
Building on 2016′ event in Krakow, DI4R 2017 will showcase the policies, processes, best practices, data and services that, leveraging today’s initiatives – national, regional, European and international – are the building blocks of the European Open Science Cloud and European Data Infrastructure. The overarching goal is to demonstrate how open science, higher education and innovators can benefit from these building blocks, and ultimately to advance integration and cooperation between initiatives.
For this year session, the Programe Committee has published a Call for Abstract available here, which explicitely welcomes abstracts for posters, demos, 5-minute lightning talks, 15-minute presentations, and 90-minute interactive sessions.
The deadline for the Call for Abstracts is Friday, 13th October 2017.
You can find more information about the DI4R 2017 in the official website