The second issue of the PARTHENOS Hub is now online. It presents the first findings of the Foresight Study, which investigates future developments in Digital Humanities and Heritage research methods, technologies and infrastructures, and invites the community working in this field to share their opinion in a survey.
The PARTHENOS Hub is envisioned as an Open Access publication and interaction platform for research communities, primarily in the Humanities. It is experimenting with new ways of publication by combining traditional journal publishing with more dynamic, interactive means. Therefore, we are happy to announce that the second issue offers the opportunity to highlight, annotate and comment (via on the current findings.
The PARTHENOS Foresight Study aims to investigate how research methods, technologies and infrastructures in Digital Humanities and Heritage may develop. It means to inform and influence these developments by making recommendations, in particular for strategic R&D thinking within policy and stakeholder organisations such as the European Commission. The study is based on task members engaging with a broad community of interested stakeholders, in addition to a number of experts and is a continuous process of information gathering and analysis. This issue incorporates a survey that will give you a unique opportunity to make your opinions known and to influence these strategic developments. An updated version incorporating further feedback from the survey will be published in the autumn.
Do not hesitate to explore the second issue on the PARTHENOS Hub, “The Humanities Foresight Study Issue”, with its first results, and participate in the survey. Both were put together by Mark Hedges and his task members.
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