Mibact – ICCU hosted the Parthenos Entities Mapping & Validation Workshop

Mibact – ICCU hosted the Parthenos Entities Mapping & Validation Workshop

From Tuesday, 4 to Thursday, 6 October 2016 Mibact-ICCU (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico) hosted the PARTHENOS Entities Mapping & Validation Workshop. Representatives of involved Research Infrastructures as well as members of the project’s community were invited to take part in this meeting that introduced the PARTHENOS Entities Model to the community and began to put it to use.

The aim of the workshop was to give participants a clear understanding of the Parthenos Entities Model, the function of the PARTHENOS Registry and the 3M Tool for creating the semantic translations of datasets. A particular emphasis was placed on the role of services in PARTHENOS. By the end of the workshop, participants had been given a general overview on how to create mappings and had started a mapping of one of their resources to the Parthenos Entities Model in order to offer that data to the overall community.

The Meeting

[pullquote]The aim of the workshop was to give participants a clear understanding of the Parthenos Entities Model, the function of the Parthenos Registry and the 3M Tool for creating the semantic translations of datasets.[/pullquote]Twenty-seven people took part in the work done during the three-days’ workshop. The first day was aimed at providing the theoretical foundations for the mapping activity in an interactive manner, introducing the question of the description of services.

After a general introduction for the understanding of the semantic project as a background for the following sessions, Research Infrastructures representatives gave a brief presentation of the capacities and resources of their organizations, in order to build a general picture of the scope and nature of activities within the project and think through their potential for integration.

In the second part of the first day, a preliminary analysis of the PARTHENOS services was presented, followed by a presentation regarding the theoretical foundations of the PARTHENOS Registry. Finally, the PARTHENOS Entities model and minimal metadata were introduced and explained. Participants were asked to perform simple mapping exercises in order to familiarise themslves with the model and to bring out any concerns about proposed model.

On the second and third days of the workshop, after a thorough presentation of the 3M tool and a thorough analysis of a case study mapping an aggregator service to thePARTHENOS Entities Model, participants had the opportunity to work on creating mappings of their own resources, working in groups. While carrying out these mappings they were able to call directly upon expert advice both with regard to strategies in semantic mapping and to the 3M mapping tool.

Before closing the meeting, the current status of the work and planned activities for the next months were presented.

Next steps

Participants from the member Research Infrastructures will carry out mappings of their relevant datasets to the PARTHENOS Entities Model using the 3M tool in the months leading up to the Christmas holidays.

This work will be both an important contribution to the validation of the model to be presented in D5.1 but also create the initial real datasets for integration into the Parthenos Registry. CNR-ISTI and CLARIN teams will work jointly on a dedicated Virtual Research Envinronment for the work to be performed on shared services and tools.

Next meeting has been planned for the beginning of 2017.

George Bruseker and Anna Molino contributed to this report.
Date: October 20, 2016