From 7th to 9th June 2016, FORTH (Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas) hosted the third technical joint meeting between Work Packages 5 & 6 of PARTHENOS. The meeting was held in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. The meeting aimed at presenting the PARTHENOS Semantic Model and, more generally, at discussing the PARTHENOS architecture. In fact, other relevant PARTHENOS’ tasks were invited at the meeting in order to bring in the discussion also users’ perspective.
The meeting
Twenty-four participants from different institutions were involved in the discussion. The agenda was dedicated for the first half of the meeting to the general PARTHENOS architecture proposed by Work Package 5; the second part was dedicated to the core task leaders who presented and exchanged their views on the conception and implementation of PARTHENOS registry.
Technical members answered the questions that partners had and started validating the Semantic Model (the creation of a Model Validation Team is due in September) which then entered the test phase. This meeting allowed the whole participants to agree on the technologies which will be used for the general PARTHENOS architecture and for the implementation of the registry. The last part of the meeting was dedicated to the discussion on specific use cases aiming at feeding the PARTHENOS infrastructure.
Next steps
In the next weeks interactions between modelers and implementors are foreseen. During the meeting, in fact, a roadmap for the creation of the first PARTHENOS cloud infrastructure was agreed. Both the architecture and the initial aggregation infrastructure will be presented in a document (D6.1 PARTHENOS Cloud Infrastructure) due in October 2016. The document will be available in this section.
In the perspective of the report on the Semantic Framework currently in test, a training workshop of the Model Validation Team will be held in Rome from 4th to 6th October 2016. The event in Rome will also serve as a mean of validating the model, teaching the RIs representatives how to use the mapping tool, and starting the discussion about the services offered. Finally, the reports on the Join Resource Registry (D5.2) and the one on Services and Tools (D6.2) are also due in April 2017 and first drafts should be available in last October (M18).