The network behind PARTHENOS

The network behind PARTHENOS
by Petra Drenth

PARTHENOS has 16 partners from 8 different European countries, including the two big humanities infrastructure consortia, DARIAH and CLARIN. PARTHENOS also collaborates with other research infrastructure projects, such as ARIADNE, CENDARI, and EHRI. All these partners and projects already have strong connections with other international initiatives, projects, committees and important research infrastructures worldwide.

One of the main objectives of PARTHENOS is to enhance collaboration and to cluster initiatives. Therefore from the start of the project, one task has been dedicated at coordinating and pooling existing liaisons and proposing joint plans for fostering these connections.

The first result of this task is an impressive collection of relations, projects and collaborations that PARTHENOS’ partners are involved in. We would like to present this in a first overview to give an impression of the large network that is behind the project. Our next goal is to find ways to further improve this overview and work out strategies on how we can all benefit from these existing connections.


For more information about our international relations or how to get involved in PARTHENOS please contact us.

Date: December 16, 2016